Time slips by

It has now been two weeks since we arrived back from our holiday. We have had one christening,  two house moves (family) and moved the office to the playroom and vice versa.
It has been busy. I have come up with a new idea for a short story which is about a Battle of Britain Hurricane pilot who gets shot down and wakes up in a cottage in the countryside. Where he is looked after by an old fellow,  who spends most of his day growing veg for the war effort,  and the district nurse.
I have a novel which has been ongoing for about 9 years which is approaching the finish line.
Photos have been taken but I have only posted one up to instagram that I am happy with. Do you need to feel relaxed to do work you are pleased with?
The rain is coming down but I have to say it is welcome. I do like a drop of rain.


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